9th July 2009... I turn 23 years old... huh..i feel old already, but my soul is still young.. hehehehe...
I donno what to say bout my birthday.. nothing so special.
But I feel appreciated. I got lots of birthday wishes from my soulmate, my frens, my students, and also family.
I wanna say thank you for those who never forget me by which sending me a card, e-card, fb comments, fs comments and tagged comments. I know there was birthday reminder on that such social wsite, but it's ok, i'm still appreciate it coz spending time to wish me. The best thing I got is birthday present from him. Thanks so much dear.. hehehe... really like it. All the memories with him is never fade.
Hehe, not forgot to my grandma...hehe.. thank you for did a 'ayam golek' feast.. hek3... my brother slaughter 9 of 'ayam kampung' for the feast. (maybe my date of birth is on 9th Jul) hehehe... it's marvelous!. Thanks again to my family..
Contoh Soalan Psikometrik PTD
12 hours ago
ala.. lupa tinA...
ReplyDeleteSOrry sgt2...
happY Belated BiRThday...
kak tina.. epy belated beday.. lmbt giler wish! hahaha.. semoga dirahmati Allah senantiasa dn sihat walafiat hendaknya.. luv u~